Data center managers are faced with increasingly challenging demands: supplying additional computing power using less energy in a smaller space, while staying within budget constraints and maintaining mission-critical reliability. These demands often create a culture of frequent and predictable change without compromising the end product.

Data center managers are also looking for ways to increase efficiency while providing a highly adaptable IT environment to support service-oriented architectures and rapid changes in demand. Although software, systems and storage are becoming highly adaptable, nothing in the data center can adapt quickly unless the power infrastructure is also adaptable.


Centralized Management


Centralized Management allows you to tie all of your KVM target devices, Virtual Servers, IPMI (DRAC, iLO, RiLO), Serial devices and Intelligent PDUs together under one GUI.


KVM Switches

KVM Switches are an fundamental piece of any complete DCIM solution. They provide out of band access and management of all network devices in your Data Center.


Serial Console Switch

Serial Console Switches are designed to help you get control of all your command line devices from network switched to firewalls serial switches help consolidate and centralize access and control over these devices.


IPMI Process Manager Switch

Most IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) consist of a (BMC) baseboard management controller i.e iLO, RiLO, DRAC and are accessed via an IP address. Centralized Management of these devices is key to any DCIM solution set.

Whether it’s PDU’s, UPS or software, DCIMPro360 can help you design and make the right choices for your data center power needs.  We would be glad to consult you on your choices and lend a hand in the design and implementation of your solution. Call us at 877-858-6776.