If you run a data center, you know about the importance of power monitoring to help maximize uptime, increase capacity and improve cost savings. As we often say in our business, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure,” and power monitoring gives operators greater transparency into the energy usage and overall efficiency of their data center operations.
Even if your organization is well-informed about the value of branch circuit power monitoring, and you are committed to doing it right, you might be curious about the best ways to choose and implement a power monitoring system.
Data center power monitoring systems can be a powerful tool to help achieve the overall initiatives in the facility. Selecting the right power monitoring system for your facilities current and future needs is an important part of the selection process.
Implementation and integration of the power monitoring system are steps that can be easily overlooked, but they play a big role in the effectiveness of the facility and the DCIM or BMS systems they compliment. Flexibility, adaptability, accuracy, communications, and device functionality are important characteristics of a successful power monitoring system.
Centralized Management
Centralized Management allows you to tie all of your KVM target devices, Virtual Servers, IPMI (DRAC, iLO, RiLO), Serial devices and Intelligent PDUs together under one GUI.
KVM Switches
KVM Switches are an fundamental piece of any complete DCIM solution. They provide out of band access and management of all network devices in your Data Center.
Serial Console Switch
Serial Console Switches are designed to help you get control of all your command line devices from network switched to firewalls serial switches help consolidate and centralize access and control over these devices.
IPMI Process Manager Switch
Most IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) consist of a (BMC) baseboard management controller i.e iLO, RiLO, DRAC and are accessed via an IP address. Centralized Management of these devices is key to any DCIM solution set.